Tuesday, October 03, 2006

An evening with Dr. Don Dayton

It was great to spend the evening with renowned church historian Dr. Don Dayton. In a casual dinner conversation Dr. Dayton shared stories of his numerous experiences in religious institutions that range from the most conservative to the most liberal. He told of how he often shocks both conservative and liberal institutions with information about their own history that they have forgotten.

We spent some time discussing the "great reversal". A time in American church history where religious institutions that are now considered to be the most socialy conservative were at the forefront of social change (abolitionism, women's suffrage, etc.). If you are interested in hearing this story in some detail I highly reckoned Dr. Dayton's influential book, Discovering an Evangelical Heritage.

I am excited also for our next meeting, mark your calendars for the evening of October the 16th when author and theologian, Diana Butler-Bass will be with us to talk about her book, Christianity For The Rest of Us. Details forthcoming.

Grace and peace,

1 comment:

spankey said...

any word on where dinner is on monday?